Now you know

By FuckfaceSteve - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Chester-le-street

Today, the girl I like finally replied to a text I sent a week ago. Her reply was: "Don't ever text me again, fuckface." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 306
You deserved it 4 567

Top comments

If she's that much of a bitch, it's a good thing you're not involved


Are you sure you didn't do something to upset her OP?

It just shows how she really is. Don't waste your time and feelings for her. I hope you find someone better OP!

Well she seems sweet. You really missed out on a good girl there...

Texting a girl that you like her isn't the way to get her to like you back....

marcmaralou 15

OP didn't specify what the text said, it could have been anything

Guys, don't go judging the girl before you know the whole story.

Very good point. It's definitely weird that it took her a week to respond, but we have no idea whether OP is a complete dick, what he texted her, if he has harassing her in person in the week between sending his text and receiving hers.... Her side of the story could be completely valid.

MrsLighthouse 8

I absolutely agree- I have some guy that went to my high school (not someone I was friends with or even knew) that sends me messages on Facebook, and I have been not responding for MONTHS. I have never responded because I don't want to encourage him, and he doesn't give up. If OP is doing the same thing then the girl's response was not that out of line. Being harassed by some guy gets real old, real quick.

Ashd09 30

I'm in the same situation as #29. I only responded once and that was to tell him that I was in a happy relationship, but he continues to message me almost daily. He will tell me about how "that shirt you wore today makes your eyes look pretty" or "I don't think you should wear that outfit again, it makes you look like a redneck and I don't like rednecks" (those were both taken straight from the messages on Facebook) and I don't even know who this guy is. OP, if you are like this ^^ please listen to what she said

#30 you should contact the police, that guy sounds like a stalker

I wouldn't be offended if someone calls me a duck face but I guess we all have different standards

"Oh i'm sorry I was just conducting an experiment on stupid bitches. Thanks for contributing to the results."

NodakN8V 25

I would of responded with "no need to be a bitch that was sent to the wrong person"