Now you know

By FuckfaceSteve - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Chester-le-street

Today, the girl I like finally replied to a text I sent a week ago. Her reply was: "Don't ever text me again, fuckface." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 304
You deserved it 4 566

Top comments

If she's that much of a bitch, it's a good thing you're not involved


Maybe she was just saying the first part of your username

Sounds like something I would do. I hate when guys get obsessive over the internet and I've never talked to them but they keep spamming me... it's really creepy and I definitely overuse the word "fuckface." However I don't have a phone so this must not have been me.

What did you do to deserve such a message?!

Steve, I'm sure you're a wonderful person, and not at all a "fuckface". You keep being a fantastic you; and someone will appreciate that and won't take a week to do so. That girl sounds awfully crappy at being a human being with compassion, empathy, or kindness. Delete(her), be awesome(at everything), repeat(the awesome). Chin up Steve! And be happy, because you never know who's falling for your smile. **Disclaimer- Steve might be a complete asshole. And this chick might've a legit reason for being less-than-kind. But I choose to believe in Steve.**

BadLuckB1118 10

She was not worth the time it took to send a text.

silver_hayes 7

you should have texted back "who is this?"