Now you know

By FuckfaceSteve - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Chester-le-street

Today, the girl I like finally replied to a text I sent a week ago. Her reply was: "Don't ever text me again, fuckface." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 304
You deserved it 4 566

Top comments

If she's that much of a bitch, it's a good thing you're not involved


She's either incredibly rude, that was one of her friends/boyfriend replying or you've done something to make her call you that. Without knowing the whole story I can't really vote this FML or YDI

At least you know. Now go like a girl who doesn't treat people like crap.

born_hustla 26

What did you text her? And how did you get the number of the girl you like that hates you ?

I don't get the problem, sounds like a face ******* invitation right there!