Now you know

By FuckfaceSteve - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Chester-le-street

Today, the girl I like finally replied to a text I sent a week ago. Her reply was: "Don't ever text me again, fuckface." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 304
You deserved it 4 566

Top comments

If she's that much of a bitch, it's a good thing you're not involved


You dodged a bullet there 'cause girls like that who respond rudely to a friendly greeting are stuck-up bitches who think they're too good for anyone less attractive than they are in their perception. Shrug it off, man. At least you had the balls to try and communicate with her.

how do you know it was a friendly message? with the information given to us we can just as likely assume he was sexually harassing her.

Well you should have seen that coming

Sounds like you're too good for her. Chin up bud!

ForeverJasmine 26

Maybe you did something to offend her earlier in life? Or someone one told her you did? People don't usually call other people fuckface for no reason.

Find another girl that you will like more

ouch keep yo head up millions of girls out there ?

nitrog100 21

I, for one, feel that you probably deserve it. One doesn't simply call you a fuckface without good reason.

But if they did, that would certainly suck, wouldn't it? Besides, it's also very possible that this girl has a reason, but a very bad one in which case OP still would not deserve it.