Now you know

By FuckfaceSteve - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Chester-le-street

Today, the girl I like finally replied to a text I sent a week ago. Her reply was: "Don't ever text me again, fuckface." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 304
You deserved it 4 566

Top comments

If she's that much of a bitch, it's a good thing you're not involved


Yeah I feel like we need more info on this one...

buymevickis92 26

that was really mean and uncalled for. if she didn't want to talk she could of politely said so that day. sorry OP

If she ever does fall for you, you could use this against her.

You probably said or did something creepy like send her a nude

What the hell did you do? Or why is she such a crazy bitch?