By Fireguy92 - 01/02/2013 04:39 - United States - Dewitt

Today, as a firefighter, we were called to assist the ambulance crew with lifting a deceased patient out of a house. Little did I know, he had been dead inside for 3 weeks, and was bloated and popped like a water balloon when we attempted to move him. My girlfriend made soup for the evening meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 546
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

californiapoppy 11

Hopefully it wasn't a red colored soup! Thank you for your work saving lives!


I feel ya bro I had the same thing happen to me in Afghanistan

That was a crazy descreption ! But all that aside ! Your job is awesome !!! Good for you !

I Wouldn't Eat For WEEKS!!! Sorry OP :(

an3ph 20

As a funeral director who knows precisely whereof you speak, all I can say is dayamn, I'm sorry, man.

Shouldn't have become a paramedic/nurse/dr/wteva the f*ck you're called.

I'm an ex firefighter and I have to say, luckily I haven't come across a call like that

My dad works at a funeral home and has to deal with embalming dead, bloated bodies all the time...but never ever has one popped. Must suck OP. and also, props to you for helping those in danger, you firefighting honcho, you...

*urk* I feel sorry for you, OP. Thank you for the work you do, however.