By Fireguy92 - 01/02/2013 04:39 - United States - Dewitt

Today, as a firefighter, we were called to assist the ambulance crew with lifting a deceased patient out of a house. Little did I know, he had been dead inside for 3 weeks, and was bloated and popped like a water balloon when we attempted to move him. My girlfriend made soup for the evening meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 546
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

californiapoppy 11

Hopefully it wasn't a red colored soup! Thank you for your work saving lives!


So much for the "waterproof" body bags, when the body erupts before you get it in.

Oh. My. Gosh!!!! "Virtual hug" for you and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww

Been there done that! Never the same after that! I still can't see a Winn-Dixie store without gagging, thank god I live the Northwest!

Oh god how inconsiderate of that guy, being all dead like that

aaronlopez20 4

cool i want to see that! you shouldve recorded it lol

Vicks is your friend. Make a Vicks mustache and throw on an N95 mask and you're about 90-95% set to go. Just wait until one "breathes" their last breath on you. The air that has been trapped in the bottom of the lungs for years. The only time I've come close to vomiting in 20 years.

tylerryder 4

Gaah that sucks! Thankyou for what you do btw! I'm taking school to be a paramedic!

dutnehmer902 2

Work as a firefighter/medic, just some advice you can't have a weak stomach in this field.