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By thedullard - 16/02/2009 05:35 - United States

Today, at the gym, I see a person laying unconscious on the ground with people crowded around. Previously being a lifeguard, and knowing CPR, I ran over and asked a man what happened, preparing to check his vitals. I then realized that the body was a dummy and the employees were doing a drill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 465
You deserved it 31 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dammmn good looking out! At least you were on top of it! I'm a lifeguard too, and some guards freeze up in situations like that... but you were on that shit! ITS A GOOD THING!!! :D

Why does he deserve it? He was just trying to do the right thing.


Dammmn good looking out! At least you were on top of it! I'm a lifeguard too, and some guards freeze up in situations like that... but you were on that shit! ITS A GOOD THING!!! :D

it really is a good thing you responded that way .. .. it still cracked me up though xD

h2opoloplaya 0

that's one of the funniest fmls I think

Right!?!? I wonder why he got so many YDI's :S

Why does he deserve it? He was just trying to do the right thing.

Because it's not an FML moment, it's an "I'm fully prepared to take an emergency citation on" moment, and thats awesome!

Because employees at gyms are trained to assist in all kinds of emergencies. Chances are that in a real emergency asking to help would just end up with being in the way. Also, it could cause problems with the gym's insurance. Last but not least, he assumed that everyone in the gym was an idiot, capable of only standing around uselessly, and that he'd have to save the day with his genius CPR skills.

While I can see the bit about the insurance, I disagree on the point about thinking they were all idiots. In a situation like that, it's less "I'm the only person that can save them, I'll play hero here!" and more "if I assume they know what to do and ignore it, there's a chance a person could die." It's not that you assume that everyone else is an idiot, it's just that you recognise the realism that not everyone knows what to do in that situation, and that many/most people (yes, even ones who have been trained) wouldn't be able to help (which isn't necessarily their fault, a lot of it is experience, so since most people haven't been in an emergency situation, most people couldn't really be able to help), so it's better not to assume that the situation's well in hand when there's still a risk of something bad happening.

Hey, that just shows you were prepared. You should've stood up right as you figured it out and been like, "That's how it's done!" and walk off.

This isn't really an FML, but why the heck are people voting that you deserved it? What's wrong with trying to watch out of other peoples' lives?

Novaeangliae 0

That's what you get for trying to do the right thing

Its better that he made that mistake then let someone die...nice to know how well you look out for ppl

jenco332002 5

Hey #44 I think #18 was being sarcastic so ease up a lil......maybe?

I've been here. It's slightly embarassing, but definately not FML worthy. A few friends and I were hanging out in a pool late one night, and one of them decided to see how long he could hold his breath at the bottom. While I was swimming, I noticed him down there laying motionless, and immediately grabbed him and pulled him up. When he surfaced, he was just like, "... what are you doing?", so I said "... Oh. I thought you were drowning. Nevermind!"

good for you America needs more people like you GOD BLESS YOU!

Lol, that is quite funny. But that kind of reflex could save a life in the future. Keep doing what you're doing. Perhaps you were mocked there, but you just as easily could have been a hero.