
By space_cadet90818 - 08/03/2010 00:16 - United States

Today, I woke up with one of the worst migraines I've had in months. My mother (who thinks I'm a hypochondriac) began to scream at me about "making up an illness". When I asked for my meds, she called me an addict, and dumped my $300 prescription down the sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 570
You deserved it 2 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lindsaysue 4

$300? Maybe you need better insurance...

xanniefiend420 0

wow your moms a bitch. no offense. if I was you I smack a bitch


snickerdoodles, your ugly, please shut up. You look like some handicapped guy in my school but with long hair

nightmares arnt real unless you make them real i never have nightmares i can control it i can wake up in my dream to also dream catchers work when your young because you beleaive they catch bad drames so your brain dosent alow to have bad dreams :) have fun killing your bad dreams :D

angelkissezxox 3

wtf. snicks ur a dumbass. y would u sit there nd read the rules of how u can type on here.

NightGod 0

Check with you doctor about a drug called MaxALT. Back when I got stress migraines, my doc had me try those before moving to Imitrex. He said they only work for about 50% of sufferers, but I was lucky enough to be one of them and they were a miracle drug for me. They're that type that melts under your tongue and in about 15-20 mins the pain is already down to a regular headache and within an hour it's completely gone-best part of the whole thing is, you can drive while you're on them, unlike most of the other migraine drugs out there. An ex worked at a medical center when they MaxALT reps showed up a few years later, I seriously wanted to go hug them because of how much that drug changed my life.

I agree- definitely try Maxalt. I've been getting migraines regularly since I was 10, and 3-4 years ago my doctor prescribed Maxalt and its so effective. And it only costs ~$20(CDN) per dose.

Mirrors_fml 0

@LooOp: You have no room to comment, concidering that you have no profile pic. @anglekissezxoxo: Maby it's because she actually checks things before she posts them. it's really not that dificult to do (well, for you it could be).

Anon17564 3

I frequently disagree with snick... In this case, however, her advice is sound. Now, this could be part of some excessively elaborate trolling strategy, but to my knowledge here she's being helpful.

Keep it in mind for when the bitch needs a nursing home.

Anon17564 3

Funny fact: The most effective cure for cluster headaches (hyper-migraines) is... illicit hallucinogenic drugs. Yeah. That's besides the point though (I don't know if it works on migraines). Your mother is a distrustful psychotic bitch, and you need to see your doctor at the earliest possible convenience. Your doctor has almost certainly seen cases where a parent sabotages the child's treatment through being an ignorant, malignantly stupid oxygen bandit, so they'll have a good idea on how to proceed from here.

PurpleSquirrel 0

why would you be compairing snickerdoodles to a handicapped person? that's just wrong.

youthink_fml 0

There are an awful lot of hypochondriacs out there who don't know they are so maybe.