By Anonymous - 18/07/2012 08:57 - United Kingdom - Peterborough

Today, I was convinced I hadn't locked up properly when leaving work, and almost had a panic attack at the train station. I went all the way back into work, to find I had in fact locked up properly. It made me nearly two hours late home. This isn't the first time I've done this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 853
You deserved it 9 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You guys, it's not Alzheimer's or OCD or anything. All humans experience the phenomenon known as douchebag brain. Douchebag brain is the main source of short term forgetfulness, for example: you walk into a room and immediately don't know what you are looking for, or, it makes you always remember to lock your car (or in this case, business) but can't remember if you actually did it or not. We all get it guys...


Yea txt yourself after u lock it. Keep reminders

Take a notepad with you when you leave and write locked with the date or day and time.

If this is a bad enough problem, i suggest getting a small notebook and writing down the checklist of tasks when you leave work. you can check off the tasks as you complete them. Just an idea.

Definitely sounds OCD like. There is a book called brain lock. Does wonders once you learn the technique.

kimosabi55068 6

Do this all the time. It's annoying but the other day I actually did forget to lock something important up and my paranoia saved me from being in a lot of trouble

Atleast u made sur the door was locked !

mowmowlife 21

I like all the comments suggesting a checklist, notebook, etc. They seem most relevant to your situation. It sounds like the stuff at your workplace is pretty valuable. But also, OP, since it's so important to you, you can just trust yourself that at the time, you also knew it was important and locked it accordingly.

tehdarkness 21

I do that with my hair straightener!!

you take your job WAY too seriously...