
By Anonymous - 21/10/2024 22:00 - Canada

Today, I showed up to an important meeting 20 minutes late, claiming I couldn't find my keys. They were in my hand the whole time, and I realized it just as I reached for the doorknob. Everyone saw me pause mid-step, staring at my hand in disbelief. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

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The human brain is amazing. It has created, forgotten, then rediscovered and translated ancient languages, it put humans on the Moon, it's developing ways to combat a myriad of illnesses, and then it will also forget that you've picked up a set of keys and block out the sensation of feeling them in your hands. What the ****, brain? You stupid bastard.


The human brain is amazing. It has created, forgotten, then rediscovered and translated ancient languages, it put humans on the Moon, it's developing ways to combat a myriad of illnesses, and then it will also forget that you've picked up a set of keys and block out the sensation of feeling them in your hands. What the ****, brain? You stupid bastard.