By Anonymous - 04/11/2009 13:53 - Australia

Today, I decided to dress up sexy for my boyfriend. I put on cute undies and a corset because they made the most of my assets. The first thing my boyfriend said was, "The colours don't match." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 515
You deserved it 5 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shadowkillah 0

damn FYL!if my girlfriend did that to me I would be like hey sexy!!I wouldn't care about the color matching at all. anyways he doesn't appreciate what u do for him...so yeah FYL~

Do you guys seriously not have anything better to do than correct spelling and grammar on FML? Seriously, grow up. It's FML, not a literature digest.


MaddogTotten 0

maybe the carpet doesn't match her pubes.

MaddogTotten 0

if you can "look" sexy, or "be" sexy, then you can "dress" sexy. sexily would also work in this situation, but way to fail your first day as the grammar police. on a side note, would you question my unnecessary use of the word "fishes" whenever possible?

QuentinM95 0

This could just as easily turn into one of those FMLs that basically says "my boyfriend is dating my brother"

The correct reply to that is: "Our pube hairs don't match, so they won't be getting together anytime soon."

Skull_300 0

That disrespectful piece of rubbish. Get rid of that ungrateful bastard and hook up with someone like one of your FML buddys here who will appreciate you for the tramp that you are! **** that guy!

iluvpandas 0

Yeah, he's gay. Usually sexy lingerie doesn't stay on long enough to even notice the colors.

you guys suck... i like ur bf... he sounds fun