
By WTF - 01/06/2013 04:03 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I found out that the girl I've been talking to online and sending certain pictures to is actually my ex's new boyfriend. He ended up telling me he'd just wanted to see how he compared to me down below because my ex refused to go into detail about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 074
You deserved it 24 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inkdeath87 18

That sucks, but it's a lesson! Never send pictures to people online! You never know who's on the other side!

michaelm1290 23

Well then, that is certainly a whole new spin on catfishing


at least your ex girlfriend was decent enough to respect your privacy and be respectable about it though! silver linings my friend.

This story has the potential to evolve into a very sexy plot twist..

K410 18

What a freak you should defiantly tell your ex about this

Epikouros 31

ITYM 'definitely', but 'defiantly' works surprisingly well here.

Oh, he just wants your help in building that sexy centipede, with him in the middle.

FYL and YDI. Very conflicting, indeed. And creepy. I hope you've learned your lesson.

At least your ex has some class. Too bad you can't say the same for the new guy.

He has some serious issues!! Even if he has a big penis.. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to use it..

You'd bee surprised how many homosexuals or just for the fun of it pose as the opposite sex...and pictures are a lie to cover it...online dating is not the best...in this case you "got the short end of the stick"...