Oddly specific

By Anonymous - 16/08/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, while planning for my wedding, I can’t stop thinking about my ex. He is my "one", and it’s still so hard to move on. Now I’m marrying someone for stability for my kids, not love, and it is the worst feeling. My heart will forever be in Harrisonville Missouri. He deserves the world, not Texas rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72
You deserved it 1 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awrb 3

He is clearly not your “one” because if that was the case then you would be together. “One”’s love you back. You are setting yourself (& your kids & future husband) up for failure if you are not 100% committed to this marriage. Life is a series of choices. choose to be happy about what you do have, instead of being sad about what you don’t.

That poor guy deserves better than you. Call the wedding off.


awrb 3

He is clearly not your “one” because if that was the case then you would be together. “One”’s love you back. You are setting yourself (& your kids & future husband) up for failure if you are not 100% committed to this marriage. Life is a series of choices. choose to be happy about what you do have, instead of being sad about what you don’t.

There are lots of videos on Youtube about how to get over someone. If your fiance deserves the best, as you say, then give him the best: Your honesty. Call the wedding off, don't make other people the victims of your bad choices.

I think her last two sentences are not about her current fiancé.

That poor guy deserves better than you. Call the wedding off.

The **** is this gibberish at the end? Do your fiancé a favor and leave now before he's smothered in more of your lies and breaks when you ask for a divorce because you're convinced you can get back together with your ex. I don't know if your ex is single but there's a reason he's not with you, and your delusions are only going to hurt your fiancé and your kids in the long run. Put them first and walk away.

That's rough, maybe go talk to a marriage counselor. In my experience relationships that depend on you learning to love someone eventually never workout.