Oh, hai Mark

By Jenn - 03/07/2013 02:39 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I saw my older sister for the first time in three years. We hadn't spoke since I found out that she was the woman my college boyfriend left me for. Unfortunately, our reunion was fueled by her two-year-old son's desire to meet his dad. My husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 346
You deserved it 5 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow your sisters horrible. Sorry OP for going through that

She's a home wrecking ***** and your husband is a piece of shit too. I'm sorry to hear this. She seems pretty dead set on ruining your life.


Merylwen 24

There is something very very wrong in your sister's head if she's so obsessed with going after the men you date. Run fast, run far.

The sister sucks for sure, but the husband is worse. He made a vow of loyalty. **** him and his life. Op you deserve better. Lose the husband and stop talking to that asshat of a sister. But hey Congrats on becoming and Aunt.

DAMN... idk how long u n ur husband have have been together, so u can't exactly be mad about the son...but it seems like u n sister have EXACTLY the same taste in men... still sux tho!!

You really think her husband met her sister before he met OP?

she has a right to be mad after all this event would of happened whike op and her husband were dating so he still broke her trust .

Divorce your husband don't cut ties with your sister though you may be able to keep her son on the straight and narrow

Merylwen 24

Her sister's son is not her problem. And keeping in touch with her means making her able to sleep with OP's next boyfriend/husband too, since apparently it's a habit.

yellohgawd 3

in the moment you decided to stay with this... this... ummm jerk, you signed a contract with trouble, hope you guys can work on your sister-family relationship.

run away from both bitches ! sorry op u had to go through that D:

Wow ouch OP your sister is a bitch

Has the kid been DNA tested? Your sister may be a liar as well.