Oh, hello there, don't mind me

By downinthedumps - 13/01/2015 02:47 - United States - Detroit

Today, I went to take a piss in a public bathroom. Somehow, I managed to completely jam the lock. After minutes of trying to get myself out, I gave up and crawled under the stall, at which point someone walked in and was very surprised to see me on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 995
You deserved it 3 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you had clown makeup on I guarantee some people would have had heart attacks.

I hope you went home and took and nice shower. Bathroom floors are nasty.


it wasnt funny the first time u posted, why post the same thing again?

i think he'll understand perfectly if you explain the situation to him. but i meant after you settled our business

why op has to explain the situation...

You should've told them you called Sally for a good time.

you could've told them your situation n they might've helped... nah?

What the what? Urinals don't have doors. Come to think of it, neither do trees. Just use a tree next time.

truckers_wife 23

#26 is right, why was there a door? At first I thought it was the main door to the restroom, but then you said that you crawled under it...

ChristianH39 30

Then OP obviously wasn't using a urinal.

He/she was obviously in the stall using the toilet

deejoy 22

No urinals in the girl's bathroom I'm afraid. :)

Female toilets don't have urinals.... Some guys prefer using stalls..... Why does this need an explanation?

Don't worry. I had it happen to me in school. You should have seen those people's faces as I crawled out.

xluciferx666 21

Say that the government said to join spec ops you had to to practice your ninja skills anywhere and everywhere