By yollew - 25/11/2011 06:27 - United States
Same thing different taste
Great idea
By dumbbb - 27/12/2011 08:30 - United States
By 530gangsta - 25/04/2017 16:00
That escalated quickly
By Anonymous - 04/04/2020 20:00
By Corn-ed-Teeth - 30/04/2019 18:00
Hangry dude
By Anonymous - 07/08/2021 20:01
By ouch - 05/10/2015 19:20 - United States - Stockton
Added flavor
By Toothless - 07/10/2009 05:43 - United States
By elena02 - 21/11/2015 19:45 - United States - Wayne
By Chip - 21/04/2009 10:51 - Australia
Smooth moves
By Anonymous - 16/03/2023 10:00 - Canada
Top comments
Oh snap, don't ever bite it out of frustration. That's just what it wants. Just color all the sides.
That's genius. Let me color the sides so I can fool my boss into thinking I'm a mastermind.
12- or the guy that burned his tongue with a flat iron
Thanks for the reminder, salty. I learned this the hard way.
What the hell were you trying to do? Break it open with your teeth? Or were you so frustrated that you were trying to eat it?
79 That is so true...
Do not hit your head in frustration while trying to solve a Rubik's cube...
used your teeth to peel off the stickers?
Runic Cube: extreme edition. Or were you just trying to unsnap all the tiles and rearrange them? Cheater.
It's alright op, I completely understand how intense the journey of solving the cube can be.
..whats a runic cube?
Yah, funk tard.
100- was that auto correct as well?
Nice save there 3 :)
True that :D
I just takez the stickers and move em' :D
I have still not yet finshed one:(
Me neither. But my best friend is a bloody pro. He can solve a 3x3 in 30 seconds and a 5x5 in 10 minutes. He tried to teach me the pattern but I just can't get it :(
That's what he said.
I seem to be surrounded by rubix wizards. My 11 year old cousin can complete a 3x3 in 20 seconds, and a 4x4 in 3minutes, my friend can complete a 3x3 in a minute, a 4x4 in 5minutes, and finally, my other friend can complete a 3x3 in about 10seconds and a 4x4 in 30 seconds. And I have yet to complete one.
Me nither
Damn it! Wheres the doc when you need him? Maybe I'll try it while we wait, attest I didn't kn-no! No! NO!
You should need anyone to tell you its not gonna work, its common sense.
*click* *whirrr* *bzzzzzz* DING! "At least I'll know that didn't work! Ha ha!" Shit, that still makes no sense. I must conclude that this commenter is drunk, a moron, or a drunk moron.
Did that even help you solve it?
haha i was wondering how to chip a tooth with a rubix cube, we need more information lol
I thought they were for something else..
Damn rubix cubes!!

Oh snap, don't ever bite it out of frustration. That's just what it wants. Just color all the sides.
Runic Cube: extreme edition. Or were you just trying to unsnap all the tiles and rearrange them? Cheater.