Oh no…

By probably_the_ex_now - 18/08/2009 08:04 - United States

Today, my boyfriend introduced me to his family. They were drinking and having fun, so I joined in. I had one too many, got really goofy, and then suggested the farting game. "Sorry, I can't hold my liquor!" I quickly explained. My boyfriend's mom shot me a cold look and said, "It's non-alcoholic." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 962
You deserved it 97 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for being an idiot even whilst not intoxicated.

this further proves my theory that usually being "drunk" is all in your head.


CaroAurelia 12

I've actually heard that sometimes, even if there's not alcohol in the drinks, if you THINK there's alcohol, you'll still get drunk psychologically. Not entirely sure why that happens, but that could be what happened to you. I guess just the expectation that you'll get wasted turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This is the placebo effect you guys. He thought it was alcohol so his brain reacted to it as if the chemical was being produced that you get from being intoxicated. It's a real thing with scientific background. -,-

Unlucky1232 20

it's hysteria. You think your drunk your body makes you drunk

It was probably the placebo effect. Still, your an idiot and ydi. If you thought that the drinks were alcoholic you shouldn't have had that many. The fact that they were non alcoholic makes you even more of an idiot.

MemeMaster1_ 6