Oh, so cute

By Anonymous - 10/04/2013 04:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went to the store to buy oranges and pick up a pack of condoms. When we were at the checkout counter, my boyfriend happily told the cashier, "The only way we can have sex is if we squeeze oranges all over our bodies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 961
You deserved it 13 221

Same thing different taste


So... Is it true? lol, lighten up OP, I'm sure the cashier got the joke

Yeah, don't get it in your eyes, that shit stings! And you'll get pink eye for at least 2 days!!

tralala453 22

I'd laugh at that, he sounds pretty funny!

sugarshane007 20

What he did will be tough to.... swallow.

FYL for the 'funny' boyfriend and if he was telling the truth, seriously, FYL.

W-wait...Is this from the oranges or the sex? Sex always ended up sticky, not sure how this is different besides the kink!

TheCutestLizard 28

**** your life? Praise your life, your boyfriend is awesome x)

Awesome. And you two can wear orange peels for underwear and a bra!

I have to admit I sometimes wonder what people are doing with some of the combinations I see; your boyfriend sounds like he has a great sense of humor. Trust me, 30 seconds after you left, the cashier filed the comment under "Heh. Cute," and went on with her day.

Dairyking 8

This isn't entirely relevant to the post, but I haven't quite figured out why people automatically associate genders with these cashiers. .-.

I was actually going to make it "his/her" but then I just wanted to see how long it took for someone to wave the PC red ticket and take me to task.

beej821410 6

#39, we ran out of PB and cat food. I asked my husband to go get some, he refused. "I can't just get those two things, people will think I do weird stuff with the cat"

47- I'll tell you why I assume genders with cashiers- I've worked in two different grocery stores and a bookstore, and at least 90% of the cashiers in all three stores were female. The first grocery store I worked in hired a total of 8 male cashiers in the 2+ years I worked there. 7 transferred to other departments in the store or quit altogether, only one stayed on cash. So based on my personal experience of most cashiers being female, I tend to assume if someone mentions a cashier, that it'll be a female. Most guys don't like working on cash, so they typically don't unless they're desperate for a job and have no other option.