Oh, so cute

By Anonymous - 10/04/2013 04:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went to the store to buy oranges and pick up a pack of condoms. When we were at the checkout counter, my boyfriend happily told the cashier, "The only way we can have sex is if we squeeze oranges all over our bodies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 961
You deserved it 13 221

Same thing different taste


The trick is to play them at their own game - one time my boyfriend decided to loudly announce in an aisle "Do we need any nappies?" (we're 18 and 19 so he knew we'd get judging looks), without missing a beat I just replied "I don't know, do you need any?" That shut him up :)

There must be a way you can make money from the erotica your boyfriend is telling?

You guys don't normally do that? I thought everybody did it! Everything I know is wrong!

Oh my god, no! It's supposed to be lemons, everyone knows that! Where have you been?

Damn, and all this time I've been using coconut milk... I was WAAAY off!

He may have been hinting he wants to add some zest to your sex live.

WeWereWealth7 7

He wanted to give you the tropical island type of sex. Sadly, this is all he could afford.

Yeah, and don't get any orange in your eyes either!

perdix 29

Does anyone else think the boyfriend was actually recruiting the cashier for a juicy threesome?