Oh, the humanity

By recmonty - 17/05/2012 03:53 - Canada - Saskatoon

Today, in a training class, I got to see a picture of what can happen when a man does not wear a safety harness correctly. For those of you who are unaware, male body parts are easily severed by loose straps. I cannot un-see that picture. It wasn't even a harness safety class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 691
You deserved it 2 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now you know to always wear your safety harness correctly.

His penis must have hit the emergency ejection button before impact. "mayday, mayday, we are going down..."


TheEpicMilkMan 13

**** that guys life he lost his junk to a loose safety harness D':

Ya I agree hope you learned something, because you don't want to get a free castration now do you?

Good lord, sorry you had to see that OP. I googled some pictures and now all I can think of is final destination. *shudders*

kroekdog 7

While you're at it, Google BME Pain Olympics

That takes a lot of balls.. At least it did anyway...

PistolWhiper93 0

Poor guy, well as long as he has a brother, sister, or child then his lineage can still live on. And if he doesn't well that sucks for him. Sorry u had to see something so messed up OP.

I'm not even a guy and I'm cringing at what could happen D:

PistolWhiper93 0

Well sence I'm a guy, to me it seemed so bad I almost thought it was happening to my when I thought of it. I am never going on another rock climb or bungy jump ever again.

PistolWhiper93 0

Stop down voting this person people! She is just showing pity for the guy.

PistolWhiper93 0

Ok whoever down voted my earlier comment is going to get a boot straight up their A**!

Me, too, not the best thing to read at the start of the day.

No, "Whipper", we're all thumbing /you/ down. Instead of completely avoiding harnesses, all you need to do is be smart about it and wear them properly. Then you won't be in such sad shape as the poor soul in the picture. Don't form a complex; do it right to begin with.

By 'this person,' do you mean yourself? As the previous post which got voted down considerably was also yours.

Tempting though it is to see if google images can help clarify this FML, I think I can resist the temptation! FYL

BTW - where's that trauma surgeon when you need him? Hope you don't get too many of these DocB'.