Oh, the humanity

By recmonty - 17/05/2012 03:53 - Canada - Saskatoon

Today, in a training class, I got to see a picture of what can happen when a man does not wear a safety harness correctly. For those of you who are unaware, male body parts are easily severed by loose straps. I cannot un-see that picture. It wasn't even a harness safety class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 691
You deserved it 2 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now you know to always wear your safety harness correctly.

His penis must have hit the emergency ejection button before impact. "mayday, mayday, we are going down..."


jkrdaw 0

Hahahahaha I know what picture you're talking about

When wearing a harness, men need to remember to keep all of their furniture in the same room.

I've seen the pictures as well, in fact I teach harness wear and safety in one of my classes. Nasty stuff

Did they warn you about it first, I'm sure they probably did?

I'm not really sure what you're whining about. You learned a valuable safety lesson. How can that be bad?