Oh, the humanity

By recmonty - 17/05/2012 03:53 - Canada - Saskatoon

Today, in a training class, I got to see a picture of what can happen when a man does not wear a safety harness correctly. For those of you who are unaware, male body parts are easily severed by loose straps. I cannot un-see that picture. It wasn't even a harness safety class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 691
You deserved it 2 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now you know to always wear your safety harness correctly.

His penis must have hit the emergency ejection button before impact. "mayday, mayday, we are going down..."


wlddog 14

I have seen that picture. To the rest of you readers I will attempt to describe the image he wishes to forget. If you take two beans and pit them on individual strings, then put those two beans in a ziplock bag,,, then rup a corner out of the bag and let the two beans hang out of that corner,,,, well... That is what happens if you don't tighten the leg portions of the restraint harness.

Get over it, it's just a picture. I'm sure you'll see worse in your lifetime.

Yeah, because anyone would enjoy a picture of a severed Penis.

BITCH PLEASE! R/Spacedicks got worse! Like a cactus up a guy's a**

Nothing like a picture to drive the point home. At least this is one thing you will never forget to do right.

ooh no I never really paid attention to stuff like that when I had to put one on...guess I was lucky.

I've seen that photo!! It was posted at work, not nice, not nice at all

Safety is important. Make sure you're not the one getting filmed "losing their balls" for the next training class to view!

40- dafaq you gonna see worse than that, or are you stating that op is a masochist and enjoys see that, then what would be the point of the fml then?