
By wingless_angel_7 - 02/12/2010 23:43 - United States

Today, I was online and I saw a friend that I hadn't talked to in two years come online. I IM'ed him, only for him to respond, "I haven't responded to any messages of yours in over a year. Most people would get the hint." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 792
You deserved it 8 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xundria 5

Sounds like a good friend. Move on.

FYLDeep 25

Hint, hint, he wants you to burn down his house. Hint, hint, hint.


xundria 5

Sounds like a good friend. Move on.

agreed. if someone is going to be an ass like that, you don't really need them in your life.

Well op that sucks :( That's why I don't message "friends" more than twice if they don't reply... But I don't have any real friends....

If you wanna talk, #12, hit me up at [email protected]. Just say hi. :)

terranada 3

this is why I delete ppl from my IM list every year or so. especially if we weren't that close to begin with

wow. hmmmph. don't worry about it. if you haven't talked to this person in two years it should be no sweat to just delete them.

KelceyLoves 0

Every time I send a message I am scared they will respond with this. Luckily they haven't yet! Haha.

FYLDeep 25

Hint, hint, he wants you to burn down his house. Hint, hint, hint.

smokeymcpottt 3
CaptSkippy 9

after he jollyranchers his cars, eggs the frame, keys it, and slashes! now how are they going to escape?

a_girl_i_know 0

maybe he should have deleted you from his instant messaging....

your fml makes no sense. you say you haven't talked to him in 2 years but really what you've been doing is talking to him and getting no reply. Jesus you sound annoying. next time stop if he doesn't reply after the 3rd convo.

datkid117 13

He hasn't responded to any of your messages in over a year you say? I'm wondering why you would still consider him a "friend".

She said"haven't talked"not hasn't responded