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One a day, so they say

By jazzie7719 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Arlington

Today, I went into an exam room to do a check-up on one of my patients. I told the little girl's mother that she needed her flu shots. When the girl heard this, she took an apple out of her pocket and threw it at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 398
You deserved it 4 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.

I'm just surprised she kept an apple in her pocket, expecting to have to throw it at you lol


I guess an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.

#1 you beat me to the punch. Take my like good sir.

Ya know, if people threw an apple at me everyday. I'd stay the hell away from them, too.

It's very cute that she did this, but I am so sorry for you.

romeonsingcross 15

Not necessarily, I'm sure that she still got the shot.


How does an apple even fit into someone's pocket?? o.O

An apple a day will keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough!

37, how is throwing an apple at someone cute? It's disrespectful, and I don't care if people don't like doctors or shots but treat them with some respect. If that was my kid her buttcheeks would be feeling a wee bit sore right now.

HAHA that's what I'm ******* wondering LOL!!

Damn I was too late to make that comment. Lmao

tiptoppc 19

Especially if you throw it hard enough

I like the way she was thinking...throw an apple to keep the doctor away

#24 I was thinking the same thing, but you beat me to it!

I'm just surprised she kept an apple in her pocket, expecting to have to throw it at you lol

That or she knew to keep it handy knowing she was going to the doctor soon

should have caught the apple and taken a bite out of it.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

"And gere the director said let's make her eat an apple in this scene. It'll make her look even more like an asshole!" God I need to stop watching cinemasins!

You know what they always say... Violence is a question and the answer is always yes.

Klima_fml 29

Sorry OP, could've been scared of needles :)

sexy28 4

how did she fit an apple in her pocket. ?

well then thank god I am not an emt if they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away

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Throwing an apple is better than kicking, screaming, punching and biting. All of which I did when I was younger.

Knightchaser27 25