
By Roses are Red - 07/03/2013 06:07 - United States - Ridgeland

Today, I sent a dozen roses and a hand-written, heart-felt note to my ex-girlfriend to show her that I'm still madly in love with her. When I asked if she got the flowers I sent, she replied, "Yeah but you got the wrong color. You should've gotten yellow, that stands for friendship." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 550
You deserved it 13 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's tough, but if she's not interested you need to move on.


Ooh shot down! I thought yellow roses meant "thank you for last night". :P Red: love White: respect Pink: friendship

yoursucklives 36

i always thought yellow stands for jealousy...

Holyshihtzus 7

OP- It's sad and hard to give up on a relationship but you've got to see that she's friend-zoning you to the max- drop her, grieve, move on- someone's out there who will love you but you won't find her if you hang on to this one!! Let her go!!

ElementaryEdGuy 18

You want some water with that thirst?

sugarshane007 20

When flowers still invoke the 'F' word, and not the good one, then you have no chance.

Friend zoning an ex is almost impossible. They always try to convince themselves that a grand gesture of some sort will make you come around. And all it does is make the recipient uncomfortable and pitying, which is super awkward. Always best to cut ties until both have completely moved on

I completely agree. I dated this guy for 3 years and it was very hard to move on. We cut all ties for almost a year until we realized we made great friends. Op should try doing the same.

Man, that's one of the worst friendzoning moves I've ever heard of. My sincerest condolences op.

Also sending red roses to his ex-girlfriend is a bad, very bad move. Y completely DI

Roses are red Violets are blue U just got friendzoned op I feel for u

my2centsworth 15

Bing Translation: "Oh, baby, I still love you, too!

perdix 29

#23, I'll bet the Bing translator used Auto-Detect to translate from English->Stalker.

Is this a thing? I feel like this should be a thing.

perdix 29

#52, it is, but I'm not sure how sophisticated it is. I entered: "**** off, creep!" "It was one date three years ago, there won't ever be a second." "Get out of that tree -- I can see you." "No, the jars of semen don't impress me." and each time, it translated them to, "Oh, baby, keep trying, you are this close to winning me over!"

perdix 29

On the bright side, you didn't get a restraining order!

you kinda deserved it,OP.most likely sending flowers to your ex ends with bad results.But atleast you tried. :I

I agree, at least you told her how you feel and you don't need to wonder 'what if'