
By Roses are Red - 07/03/2013 06:07 - United States - Ridgeland

Today, I sent a dozen roses and a hand-written, heart-felt note to my ex-girlfriend to show her that I'm still madly in love with her. When I asked if she got the flowers I sent, she replied, "Yeah but you got the wrong color. You should've gotten yellow, that stands for friendship." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 550
You deserved it 13 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's tough, but if she's not interested you need to move on.


oKap1 15

At least she wants to be your friend.

Skofnung 4

YDI. She's your ex-girlfriend for a reason bruh, move on.

DanielleD93 16

It's not the wrong color if you love her, bitch needs to appreciate more, and just say she just wanted to be friends