
By StupidNurse - 26/01/2012 21:57 - Germany

Today, I cut my finger with a knife while cooking. I work in a hospital and have to use hand disinfectant at least every twenty minutes. It hurts badly. I have to work for eight hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 757
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Liquid bandage! Problem solved. Feel better :)

ceilingfans 1

Worst way to find out you have a paper cut; use purell.


Liquid bandage and a glove. A hospital should have both.

sourgirl101 28

I heard that u can use superglue on cut to stop t bleeding.

at least your finger won't get infected....

Merylwen 24

No. Bandages get dirty, she can't work with that.

bizarre_ftw 21

Super glue the wound shut, it's not the best plan, but given you work at a hospital and haven't thought of anything better I guess it's the winning plan (note, hold the wound closed and just use a little, it actually works)

mintstashinurtea 5

suck it up and be more careful next time.

Do you know how hard it is to spend an hour or more a day cooking and not hurt yourself? People accidentally cut themselves with knives all the time.

....so bandage it up that way the hand sanitizer doesn't get in it. O_o