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By HarvestMoon_gal - 24/07/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, I was cleaning a pan. I turned the water on, and it was super hot. My reaction was to slam my hand down. On a knife. So, not only do I have a burned hand, but there's also a huge cut on it from the knife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 109
You deserved it 10 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this fml is wierd the body is programmer to automatically pull your hand back whenever you touch something hot the bodys natural impulse is NOT to slam your hand down Idk WTF is wrong with u lol

OUCH D: time to get the disinfectant and a cold towel out


OUCH D: time to get the disinfectant and a cold towel out

Shookitup 0

wait, why would you slam your hand? wouldn't it just add more pain to the burning?? so...I think you need to be more aware of what you're doing.

i think slamming their hand down was the OPs first impulse.

she didn't say both the things happened to the same hand

oops! my mistake, it did happen on the same hand.... silly me XD

JohnnyHobo 0

Why would you slam your hand down?? Wouldn't you pull away O.o Oh well. Yay blood!

Trupe 3

I cut off part of my knuckle washing dishes. Shit sounded so weird.

twinny_sc 13

17, I found it kinda funny that you said it sounded weird as opposed to saying how much it hurt lol

Because normal knives balance with the tip pointing upwards ..

Trupe 3

Ha it didn't really hurt. I didn't even notice til I pulled my hand out of the water

your reflex was stupid op, it's like dropping a paper plate and it shatters... srsly?

27, there are dish holders which have a knife, spoon, and fork section which keeps them standing vertically. The knives, spoons, and forks are placed with the tip pointing up.

saranottelling 7

True #36 but I normally put the knives pointed side down in the dish holder so I don't injure myself.

zakkyzebra 11

it never said she burned her hand... maybe she was rocking out to death core...

HarvestMoon_gal 0

HAHA, I know. I'm not the sharpest knife in the sink...

39 it says right on fml "not only did i burn my hand"... so that was my only comment i just noticed sumthin, every1 of my comments me complaining about other ppls stupidity... i dont have a life to b fuked

wow. and some people say I'M stupid... anyways FYL op

Haha_donkey 0

big deal a cut.... what you want a cookie?

A cut inside of a burn. S'pretty much a suckfest.

this fml is wierd the body is programmer to automatically pull your hand back whenever you touch something hot the bodys natural impulse is NOT to slam your hand down Idk WTF is wrong with u lol

Agreed. I don't know why the hell she didn't just pull her hand out right away.

Yeah, the body's natural reflex isn't to slam down...that sounds more like after you've considered the concequences of shooting your arm away, then it's your choice to have slammed it into the knife

ew I hate the thought and site of blood.....but seriously y the **** would u slam ur hand wen I burn mine I get like ice or something

babyceej 4

lol. slam your hands? on a knife? wtf.

was the knife standing upwards. that's weird

And then hot sauce got in the fresh cut! :o

Shookitup 0

oh haha then yeah that would suckk XD