
By Bullocks - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester

Today, while I was at work in a machine shop, I cut myself really bad. Not with any of the sharp tools, drills, or metals I work with. Just the soap dispenser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 566
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just that deep clean feature, it really gets in your skin.

Well, if it makes you feel better, thank you for actually washing your hands in the bathroom!


That takes skill my friend. What kind of soap dispenser gives you a really bad cut?

nofearjenshere 12
jerseyboy732 16

when plastic breaks it can be pretty sharp

ancient chinese proverb: always be watchful of danger even in places where you'd least expect it.

I work in a machine shop too. The thing is, you get so used to cuts from the metal and tools, that it makes things like cutting yourself on a soap dispenser seem way worse than it should.

That was EXACTLY my first thought and question.

ollallie 0

At least it's a clean cut it's soap not a dirty metal tool

#45 they were making a connection very relevant to the FML at hand. Why do you need to criticize them for it? Because they posted a much more intelligent comment?

Well, if it makes you feel better, thank you for actually washing your hands in the bathroom!

Rather than NOT WASHING AT ALL. Some sickos either forget or neglect good hygiene after using the facilities. Duh.

That's why you get automatic soap dispensers. So skilled people like you can't cut themselves.

That's just that deep clean feature, it really gets in your skin.

The grit soap I use at work had glass fragments in it... I sliced my hand "clean" open with it. Ignoring the blood, my hands were super clean. :D /end life story.

Eila1996 5

Cool story bro, no one actually cares!

Speak for yourself 41. I thought it was quite interesting.

Michael_92 20

Is it just me that thinks glass in soap is a really bad idea?

I can just imagine you in the hood when they ask, "where'd you get those scars?" And you reply, "the soap dispenser." They answer, "fu** yeah, you gangsta."

How do you do that? Did you get soap in your cut aswell?

hellbilly205 17

Id go ahead and say it was sharp plastic...

jerseyboy732 16

atleast it was an easy clean up if you were already by the sink

Everything is dangerous these days -.- (sarcasm implied)

hellbilly205 17

Everything is dangerous these days though...

illabye 0

Impress the ladies by sayin you were in a fight... With your mom LOL.. Weakling

Torva_fml 16

Lol! Why lie?! It's already on the internet! Yes, my lol was sarcastic... Just to clarify.

oooo im so impressed you fought your mom! you bigi tough man you, soo badass! i really hope thats not what turns you on

nofearjenshere 12

Those soap dispensers these days. You really gotta be careful.