
By StupidNurse - 26/01/2012 21:57 - Germany

Today, I cut my finger with a knife while cooking. I work in a hospital and have to use hand disinfectant at least every twenty minutes. It hurts badly. I have to work for eight hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 757
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Liquid bandage! Problem solved. Feel better :)

ceilingfans 1

Worst way to find out you have a paper cut; use purell.


tylerdurden00 0
usmcUSA 0

Why the **** are you still cooking food with a cut on your finger you nasty bitch?!?!? People go to the hospital because they are sick , not to get sick!

Maybe you should go to the hospital... Oh wait

caysters 12

As a nurse, you should be using it more than just every 20 minutes... Enter clean, leave clean. Glad im not your patient...

florianh 2

Wear some gloves you dumb bitch

linkinpark98 23

If she is a "Dumb Bitch" why does she have a job as a nurse? Some people these days......

linkinpark98 23

I remember doing the same thing.... Except I did it on purpose. What? I ended up being 15 bucks richer.

TonyIsMyDog 2
TonyIsMyDog 2

I'm amazed this is being debated so heavily.

I know how you feel - I work with sharp metal products and I get my hands cut all the time, and i also work with Isopropanol rubbing alcohol as well. Fortunately, neither my boss or my colleagues take any notice when they hear me swearing.