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Out of it

By damn you Ambien - 03/08/2016 05:48 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I woke up to an angry and threatening email from a porn company. Apparently, I took a sleeping pill last night and wrote a nasty email to the company about how they mistreat women. The best part is that I used a web contact form instead of an email, so I have absolutely no idea what I wrote. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 387
You deserved it 2 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose it takes a special person to attack a **** company via a web contact form in the middle of the night while possibly unconscious. It sounds as though you were doing this with good intention however, so FYL indeed.

Hey, as long as you're not getting sued then don't worry about it. That can't be the only hate mail they get. Just goes to show how thin-skinned they are.


Yeah, because they would totally respond in a kind and rational manner.

You probably wrote something like this "Dear redtube, You are such a horrible **** forcing those woman to squirt and ****** how dare you I wish I could unsubscribe from your sorry butts Sincerely Damn you Ambien"

I was joking so get your donuts outta your ass and calm down

yeah the people on this site are really uptight for some reason.

It's ok. At least SOME of us found it amusing. :3

See what I mean, I get downvoted just because I called them out on their shit, man you people have some thin skin.

Let's review what's happened here. Somebody made a comment people didn't like, and those people used an inbuilt feature of this site by downvoting it. Then, instead of leaving it alone because people are entitled to their opinions— especially when it comes to stuff as subjective as humor—someone complained that other people had "thin skin". Because apparently finding a joke unfunny means you have thin skin, and whining about other people not finding a joke funny is… what? Mature? Thick skinned? No, if your response to a few downvotes after making a dumb generalization is to call /other/ people thin skinned, it just seems hypocritical. You got downvoted. It happens. If I had a nickel for every time I've been downvoted… actually, I have no clue how much money I would have because it really doesn't matter.

Getting a joke downvoted is an FML rite of passage.

Thanks seeing how that was my first comment

lol I think you're the one who's thin skinned because you wrote two long paragraphs

When you don't have a point to make, try mentioning the length of a post. It doesn't help, but it's fun. The last "long" paragraph was two whole sentences. I hope you'll recover.

32 - He's just practicing for the novel he is planning to write: "FMLers Say the Darndest Things".

I suppose it takes a special person to attack a **** company via a web contact form in the middle of the night while possibly unconscious. It sounds as though you were doing this with good intention however, so FYL indeed.

Explain the situation to them, I'm sure they'd understand

Hey, as long as you're not getting sued then don't worry about it. That can't be the only hate mail they get. Just goes to show how thin-skinned they are.

You could explain that you did this under the influence of Ambien. At least you didn't crash your car into a public building. And maybe talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for another sleeping pill.

Drunk txting is so last year, now it's sleeping-pill-high web forms

Mathalamus 24

interesting. but you aren't wrong.

chrisbeaudoin 26

If you ever take pills like that again usually it's best to leave your stuff in a different room so you don't make any worse bad decisions.