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Not-so-biker chick

By Kris - 24/09/2023 10:00 - Canada

Today, I thought it was about time to learn to ride a bike as an adult. I wobbled down the street, lost my balance, and crashed into a parked ice cream truck. The owner yelled at me, and I was left with a bruised ego and no ice cream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 580
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can't tell you how many times I fell off my bike or bumped into a stationary object while learning to ride a bike. Those sign posts really do creep up on ya. And I was creeping up on mu teenage years when I learned to ride a bike. In consideration of your neighbors' property though, maybe you could pick a time when your street is relatively empty to practice, or maybe the middle of the street if there aren't any cars around? Either way, best of luck to you!


I can't tell you how many times I fell off my bike or bumped into a stationary object while learning to ride a bike. Those sign posts really do creep up on ya. And I was creeping up on mu teenage years when I learned to ride a bike. In consideration of your neighbors' property though, maybe you could pick a time when your street is relatively empty to practice, or maybe the middle of the street if there aren't any cars around? Either way, best of luck to you!

Never too late to learn. And yes, you will fall. Many times. Good luck!

It's too late and you're too old to sustain many falls. Get an adult tricycle and be done with it!