
By Anonymous - 14/05/2011 11:40 - Canada

Today, I found out that my grandma has been sending me birthday money every year. My mom just steals it before I ever see it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 465
You deserved it 3 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Steal her car and drive it to Las Vegas where you can use all of her money.

Bitch, gimme my money! *Stewie beats Brian*


Young_Champ14 0

id say as soon as you leave for college take all the money ur gma would've given u n more out her bank account take the PAID OFF car n leave to never come back (anytime soon)

Waltman217 0

My mom does that too if I'm not home qen it gets here

jadenstigman 0

take your mom to court and pay your lawyer with all the money u could win lol

HunterAlpha1 8

i know exactly how you feel OP. my mom took my $5k train wreck settlement and spent it on worthless shit that i never wanted or will ever use. i should have asked the lawyer to open a bank account or something to hold the money for me until i turned 18. i'm guessing OP is under 18, in which case he doesn't legally own anything. but don't worry, you get to choose her retirement home.

You can legally own stuff when you're under 18.. What are you on?

HunterAlpha1 8

you confuse possession with ownership. minors don't officially and legally own anything, which is why your parents are allowed to take things away from you. they are, however, required by law to provide you with clothing, food, shelter, etc., and if it is determined that the parent is not providing enough of everything, the child can be moved to another home.

lilkeykey14 5

yeah...id curse her out...politefully if at all possible, which im sure it not

well, tell her she'll have to pay interest.