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By Anonymous - 14/05/2011 13:17 - United Kingdom

Today, it's my wedding day, and I have uncontrollable diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 772
You deserved it 5 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just wear a diaper. you can pull it off with a puffy dress.

traze 7

**** your life for real. You should get a butt plug.


Idonebeenhad 17

Oh god, the puns!!!! The painfully stupid puns!! *screams*

EverybodyHatesCh 0

what shitty wedding... hahahahaMEOWhahahahhahha ...FML

That's a shitload of crappy puns. Number 2 is a poo.

Banana_Pancakes6 0

I see what you did there...

duuuudee! you talked crap and covered your ass! I think any remorse should be wiped clean.

Rarrar51, congradulations, you are now one of my "Little Monsters."

Take it as a sign, OP.. you're gonna have a crappy marriage.

FuniiBunii 0

or a really high pressure capable buttplug

It's probably gonna so something like this: "And do you, the groom, take this women to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I doooooooooo!!! ahh.. :)"

KatrinaKitten 16

Diarrhea generally shouldn't be that much of an issue unless it persists for more than a couple of hours. Nonetheless, FYL. I hope you find a way to delay your performance while you recover.

zendaddy0 0

you might say it's *puts on shades* a shitty situation

I can't believe people down-rated #1 just because they are jealous of not being #1 lol.... Silly. As for the FML, FYL OP, but it's okay, try to remember the purpose of your wedding and forget the westernized view on weddings; it's more than just 1 day, "the big day" - you're marrying someone and if he loves you, he will wait / understand. :)

You can get anti-diarrhea tablets just to stop you from having it for a few hours

OhbbyCx 6

You're an amazing person. You truly are, number 101. xD

I can see the newest FML now. "Today, I crapped on my new husband while he said I do."

traze 7

**** your life for real. You should get a butt plug.

kingtz 6

No good. That plug will just come shooting right out. Might even blind a guest or two behind him.

iSitt 0

overheard "the bride left skid marks TO the altar!"

TurboTalon 0
staceysgenesis16 0

haha. thats not a good idea. lol. well maybe it would be. but FYL.

Talk to your younger daughter's boyfriend about buttplugs.

YDI. Everyone KNEW you had no business wearing white anyway.

Not to mention the clean up. All the gifts will be covered in the back lash which will make them non-returnable and ndon't even get me started on gammy's priceless fine china. OH GOD THE FINE CHINA!

Doomire 0

imagine her standing at the altar and then a brown spot would start to from on her dress

you could just have the ceremony in the washroom. what a story to tell the kids

just wear a diaper. you can pull it off with a puffy dress.

where. ALOT of perfume *boom* all better :}

OceanBreathesSal 5

haha looks like she could use some depends! :)

bengermin 5

Bridal diapers are a real thing. Google it.

congratulation on the big day! but that sux that u gotta poopy

Bet you're reconsidering that white dress now, eh?

Shafreeka 8

Maybe the OP is the groom and not the bride.

Maybe. Thanks for killing the joke. :P

kingtz 6

It has to be the groom, obviously, since women don't poop.

#31, everybody poops, I read it in a book once!

Scalabrine44 0

114- woman aren't part of "everybody" cuz they're not people!! duh

imacreeper 3

you're right, us females aren't people. we make people. bow down to us, bitches.

Well...You should probably shove something up your ass or you could just spray the crowd.

Well...You should probably shove something up your ass or you could just spray the crowd.