By Julia - 26/02/2010 05:04 - United States
Same thing different taste
Piggy banked
By Rain - 14/11/2016 11:43
By FuckedOver - 14/01/2016 14:31 - United States - Houston
By fox_at_heart - 30/09/2016 02:21 - United States - Philadelphia
By that was mine - 15/05/2015 22:26 - United States - Cherry Hill
By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States
By Username - 23/06/2011 08:17 - United States
By skiergal98 - 18/08/2019 02:00
By BenjiFurImmer - 12/06/2019 00:07
By Anonymous - 18/03/2010 05:18 - United States
By Bobo - 11/10/2022 10:00
Top comments
you should call the police or at the very least track her down and throw your shoe at her.
@ 1....ftw...way to misspell annoymous lol...@OP...I would most def call the police and have that bitch thrown in jail!!!
LMAO...I guess I just took the win on that last post for also misspelling it...damn huge cracks in my f-ing screen
find her be nice to her borrow her car visit a chop shop !! solution to the prob solved go gettem!!!
If she was never removed from the account, there's not much the police can do. If she is not on the account, the bank may be responsible and could be held liable.
sell her organs on the black market she should be fine with one kidney and half a liver. tell her if she touches your money again you'll come back for the other half in a note scrawled in her own blood on the bathroom wall next to the bathtub full of ice you leave her in. trust me, it works wonders!
@23 WTF? @op that blows man I'm really sorry. have the bitch thrown in jail.
She probably isn't worth much if she's stealing from her kids account.
bitttttttch ): mother;s can be mean
sorry bitch
Wow that sucks. I don't think anyone can truly think that you deserved this.
Don't worry, a lotta people will say OP deserves it for being a spoiled rotten little shit and not working for their own money and expecting everything to be handed over to them. It's all the same in these types of FMLs.
You deseve it for having been born.
#13, I don;t understand why it's a bad thing for parents to want to help their kids.. It doesn't make them irresponsible entitled *****, it just means they get to start life with less debt.. I've been working since I was 16 - but my parents paid half my university tuition and I took loans out for the rest. My dad is insisting on paying for my second grad degree, not because I'm spoilt but because he wants to help.. People really need to re-evaluate the concept of belonging to a supportive family.
**** your mother.
"f" your mom (censorship: lame) >:o
I'm so sorry to hear your suck thing,you're so unfortunately...but in china,all of the people are conviced that man should get money by their own hands,it means people shouldn't rely on their parents but believe theirself can access to maybe your suck thing would become a gift,which the god gives.
Happy to hear from someone in China. I know that in the East, it's the child's duty to care for their parents when they get older. For some people in the West, the parents do whatever they can to help their children, even later in life. I am happy when people help each other, either way. I like your idea to think about the loss of the money as a chance for improvement.
I'd ******* destroy her if that happened to me. Sucks, (wo)man.

Ouch. How did she even get access?
Wow that sucks. I don't think anyone can truly think that you deserved this.