
By Anonymous - 31/12/2014 18:12 - Australia

Today, I went on a date. After we finished our meal, I had to use the bathroom really bad. When I said so, my date totally lost it and accused me of planning on climbing out a window and ditching her. "Fuck that and fuck you!" she said, then stormed out, leaving me with the bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 544
You deserved it 2 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

soulstrike23 6

Don't sweat it she probably has issues to jump to conclusions like that

randomguy76 14

FHL, she must have gone through dates escaping far too many times to have a reaction like that.


let's face it, she wasn't going to pay that bill anyways

Good thing her true colors shone through before it was too late:/

Considering her response, it's little wonder if others have jumped in the past, and they'd have valid reason, she sounds emotionally immature.

Um, I think your life was improved here! Imagine if you guys started dating. Your life would be miserable based on that personality!

jlujan00_fml 9

Probably for the better dude

First date and you weren't planning on footing the bill? Unless she asked you out I'd say you deserved it.

Don't you think it's a reminding of the old macho times to necessarily have the man pay for the bill? I guess when women would not work, it made sense that the man pays, but nowadays, I find it condescending towards women. We are progressively reaching equality between men and women, it's time for them to pay the bill too.

She got that from The Big Bang Theory, when Lucy always climbed out a bathroom window to get away from Raj because she was socially awkward. lol But yeah, crazy!

That joke existed long before the show did, dear. Try again.

lynniemouse19 12

Well you're the guy. Shouldn't you have offered to pay anyway?

That probably has happened to her before so don't get mad at her. And you're suppose to pay the bill. Be a gentlemen