
By Anonymous - 31/12/2014 18:12 - Australia

Today, I went on a date. After we finished our meal, I had to use the bathroom really bad. When I said so, my date totally lost it and accused me of planning on climbing out a window and ditching her. "Fuck that and fuck you!" she said, then stormed out, leaving me with the bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 544
You deserved it 2 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

soulstrike23 6

Don't sweat it she probably has issues to jump to conclusions like that

randomguy76 14

FHL, she must have gone through dates escaping far too many times to have a reaction like that.


Jethco 15

Should've offered to leave your phone locked on the table or something along those lines. Or a shoe or something. As incentive.

That would just feed her insecurities. Her instant lack of trust is a huge red flag too. I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't trust me.

lizburgo_yo 8

You should be paying anyways, just saying!

So, no second date then? If you ever see her around again you should make a point of telling her that actually you had been planning on asking for a second date but won't after that performance.. Make her feel bad.

nitrog100 21

Oh sweetie, you were going to pay either way.

quarterbird 18

Left you with the bill? If you're a guy, you're supposed to pay anyway. It sounds like you dodged a bullet, OP... CONGRATS!!!

You were on a date. You weren't planning on picking up the check anyway?

She got that low self esteem worse than Ebola

What you were planning on paying the bill with her? Grow some balls and pay it yourself, or go back to playing with ******* barbies. Real men pay for their women. YDI