By FUCK A FUCKING DUCK - 23/11/2012 17:20 - Bahamas - Nassau
Same thing different taste
By Emil - 20/11/2011 21:42 - United States
Insult of the week
By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 20:21 - United States - Slidell
By Anonymous - 20/06/2013 19:15 - Germany - Paderborn
You tried
By Anonymous - 08/06/2021 06:01
By Anonymous - 15/01/2017 08:00
By Recon - 17/03/2009 12:16 - Switzerland
Sorry Pat
By Kronic - 02/07/2009 05:08 - United States
Shame! Shame! Shame!
By Telinaa - 08/11/2010 02:25 - Australia
By wallets - 29/02/2012 07:47 - United States
By what the fuck - 25/08/2013 19:28 - Malaysia - Petaling Jaya
Top comments
The opposite happened to me last year. I got an extra game in my bag and had to return it. It was kind of awkward...
Well you probably didn't have to return it
Why return it? You got an extra game for free! Sell it on eBay or something!
Sadly enough, knowing how society is, I'm almost completely sure the comments above me are not joking.
Good job Pheebs you kept your integrity. A quality less and less people seem to have today
I know it makes me a terrible person, but I probably would have kept it. I always return things to individual people, small businesses, or if I think it'll come out of an already underpaid employee's pay. However, I have very little respect for the sanctity of GameStop's loss allowance since you so rarely get a chance to screw the people that screw you so often. Assuming it was a large chain store that makes 500% profit on used games without paying the developers their rightful cut. Rationalization of behavior complete.
I may sound bad, and the sudden holiness and righteousness of everyone will probably thumb me down, but hell... If I got a game for free, I would keep it.
15, get real.
34, you've been watching total biscuit haven't you?
34- As a former GameStop employee, I can personally relate/agree that it is a company that makes a shameful amount of profit off of other people's used games. And I don't have much sympathy for it, or any, large corporation when it comes to one game vs. their bottom line. But if it was a GameStop OP went to, I would ask that you all think about the individuals working at the store. When things go missing, corporate tends to hold the employees of that store, and especially the managers, at fault. If stuff is constantly having to be written off, they will write up, or even fire, those that work there. So I would say even though I don't care about GameStop as a whole, I would go back and return the game because I wouldn't want the employee who made the mistake of giving it to me to get in trouble or fired. Or anyone else. If, due to lack of training or effort, too many things get mistakenly given out, those people's jobs are in jeopardy!
Would've given the last comment a thumbs-up if only I could reach the icon without scrolling and having the tab automatically slide back in.
45- Please tell me you're joking. 15's comment is completely realistic, in today's world less people show respect when and where it's due and people's integrity as far as stealing goes, is definitely in the decline.
I am confused by this comment
32 salty gets that comment every time!
haha i've noticed that too
This has 69 thumbs up :3
Thinks he's clever^
Its like McDonalds, I guess you always have to check what you bought before you leave, because if you try to go back with a problem, youre gonna have some sort of an issue. So, Op, did you get the game back?
If you leave without checking your bags, your gonna have a bad time.
Here you can go back and they will not even ask for a receipt if you looking trusting.
If anything, i'd argue he was scamming YOU, and knew it. He could've easily checked the stock list vs the number of available discs...
The stock list only counts towards the # of cases for each video game, not whether this disc or cartridge is in it.
he ment check the stalk list and count the number of available disks in inventory (unless you have some weird disk to container ratio it should work just fine)
Um is this at like a gamestop or something... because OP doesn't say so but that would make sense. Gamestop should sell games new and wrapped in plastic.
What are you guys talking about? Don't you people buy BRAND BEW SEALED copies of games? I always do and have never had a problem.
In most Stores where I am (UK), stores keep the cases on the shelves and the manuals/discs rubberbanded together in draws behind the desk. I think mostly to prevent people stealing them. The only time the game is on the shelf sealed is when it's so crap or cheap they don't care if you steal it anyway.
I don't know who the f*** would go to that much effort to get a retorted piece of sh*t game... I'm sure that activision realized that the game was just that terrible and didn't want to have to force other people to force them selves to play it because they think they look cool while doing so, so they decided to just make the boxes
It's probably better that you didn't get to play it
He's saying that the game sucks ass
rather or not the game is fun is beside the point its the fact that op got ripped of by paying for a product and not reciveing it
If it was a PS3 copy then no disk or having a disk, it won't matter. Can't play it anyways. Haha.
Black Cocks 2 Rise of the anaconda!
#35 I'm sorry, but once anything is sold to another individual as used, no money needs to go back to the original manufacturer. The manufacturer doesn't "deserve" a cut. You wouldn't call up Dodge upon selling your car to a friend to give them their fair share, since they paid a group of South American laborers $0.50 an hour to make it four years ago.
I had this happen, but with an old game, fable 2, I brought the special edition recently, it was two disc, game on one, special features on the other, luckily the cashiers where I am are pretty good and he gave me the game disc without even needing my receipt
That's why I buy games from "pure game sellers" like GameStop, because they always open up the case to verify there is a game disk inside, you lose the enjoyment of unwrapping the game though.
how did the disc get out of the case ?
Yes and that's why you Pre-order like I did, you get it on the release night and you see them get pulled out of the box
I heard that some stores have problems with people opening games to get the disc out then trying to make it look like it had never been opened so they can return it for money. This may or may not be the case here.
That's one reason it's great being a PC gamer; you can just download games without a risk of purchase issues like that.
You can download games on the Xbox store too....
Uh, yeah, except Black Ops 2 is out for Windows too. OP didn't mention a console.
22, I was replying to 19...
So was I. You just posted while I was making 100% sure of my facts, hence the lack of an "I'm talking to #19, by the way."

I don't think two ducks ******* will appreciate you joining in...
The opposite happened to me last year. I got an extra game in my bag and had to return it. It was kind of awkward...