
By NotJessePinkmanFFS - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Norwalk

Today, my 43-year-old brother's obsession with Breaking Bad reached a new level of stupidity when he nearly got us beaten up by a bunch of meth-heads down by our local park. He went up to them with his shaved head and stupid hat, and tried to act all Walter White with them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 088
You deserved it 2 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Perhaps this will break him of a bad habit.

theslimshadylp 6

Best show on television. Who doesn't want to be like Walter White? He's a badass.


RedPillSucks 31

Perhaps this will break him of a bad habit.

Nearly getting beat up is the best METHod to do this.

34- i thumbed down what ya put there...

It would have been awesome if he had a bag full of pebbles with him and said to them "This, is not meth"

Danielt104 6

I literally started watching Breaking Bad today (Yeah I know I'm late) and that's HILARIOUS!!!

It's alright man, I started watching it a few days ago too. Kick ass show!

bettyboop428 24

I have heard that is a pretty good show, but maybe not obsession worthy.

calvo_07 13

Okay, maybe not as obsessive as her brother is, but you have no idea how awesome Breaking Bad is.

feldco1 17

Apparently they've never seen the show...

theslimshadylp 6

Best show on television. Who doesn't want to be like Walter White? He's a badass.

Breaking Bad is a really good show but personally I think Game of Thrones is better.

I've never seen breaking bad, what's it about? (I don't feel like googling today)

22- a professor, already stressing about paying for his disabled son's college, finds out he has cancer. He doesn't want to leave his family with a bunch of debt, so what does he do? He starts making meth!

Correction, he's not just a bad ass, he is THE DANGER!!!!

7 I am right behind you with that one, game of thrones is definitely better. I just can't wait for season 3 though

breaking bad is one of the best show ever but Walter is a shitty criminal, he is sloppy and compulsive, on the other hand Gus was really badass.

I think walking dead is good! Okay, I'll just go back to my corner..

KiddNYC1O 20

Walt scares me! I would never /want/ to be that sociopathic.

borkchop1992 15

If those meth heads dont get to him evolution will pick him off soon.

You're confusing evolution with natural selection. Natural selection leads to the evolution of a species over a long period of time.

21, after OP's brother reaches level 51, he can evolve into a Walter White.

Your brother is like those utterly stupid and obnoxious suburban kids who think they're "hood" because they listen to Snoop Dog (or Snoop Lion, as he prefers to be called now.) If they ever actually met a real gang member the results would probably be similar. Except, most of those people are high school age or younger, whereas your brother is 43...which makes his delusions of bad assness even sadder.

I'm sorry. The **** harvest is not until October, and my freeze dried **** supply just ran out. I'm afraid I simply have no ***** give today.

If you know anything about breaking bad you would know that Walt is in his 50's and a suburban father, no where near a "hood."

And if you understood my comment you would know that I wasn't saying that Walter White is "hood," but rather comparing OP's brother to those who emulate other people who are far tougher and scarier than they could ever hope (or even want) to be.

He changed his name back to Snoop Dogg after 24 hours. Mid life identity crisis ;) Either way, a 43 year old should know better.

Another celebrity with an identity crisis. There is Prince who changed his name to a symbol. He was "the Artist Formerly Known As Prince" then it was shortened to "The Artist." Now he is back to Prince.

Gracehi: "Flying *****" are different. I think they may be ripe now. Genetically Modified ***** can be produced year-round. By the way; that was a good one!

28, "Prince" didn't change his name because he had an identity crisis. He changes his name because that name was tied to a bad record deal. Changing his name allowed him to continue to record music without being connected to (I think it was) Warner Brothers. He changed it back when his contract was up and rightfully so, that's his real name. (:

I prefer The D-O-double-G. Snoop lion?

It's probably time to stop being seen in public with him.

You mean he went all Heisenberg on them OP? Freaking awesome show :)

fatalwish 6

just be sure to have his darwin award ready.