
By NotJessePinkmanFFS - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Norwalk

Today, my 43-year-old brother's obsession with Breaking Bad reached a new level of stupidity when he nearly got us beaten up by a bunch of meth-heads down by our local park. He went up to them with his shaved head and stupid hat, and tried to act all Walter White with them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 088
You deserved it 2 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Perhaps this will break him of a bad habit.

theslimshadylp 6

Best show on television. Who doesn't want to be like Walter White? He's a badass.


He was just trying to protect his territory !

2ruLife 5

Was the doing his version it the "Say my name" scene? LOL

I would have punched him in the nose out of pitty

Him: STAY OUT OF MY TERRITORY! Meth head: Step down, or I'll knock you into next week. Him: I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS! Meth head: What the hell do you want? Him: To sell this. *pulls out baggie* Meth head: You're pissing me off, and think I'm going to buy meth from you?! Him: You got one part of that wrong. This is not meth. Meth head: Look, you have five seconds to get out of my sight. Him: Never give up control. Live life on your own terms. *Meth head pulls out knife* *He runs away* *Back at home* Him: I won.

Either way tried to watch the show a few times and it just plain sucks a bad rip off of a couple other shows it stupid and shouldn't even be on the air.

People like you don't deserve to have eyes and hands so they can type ridiculous comments such as that. Get back in your hole.