
By NotJessePinkmanFFS - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Norwalk

Today, my 43-year-old brother's obsession with Breaking Bad reached a new level of stupidity when he nearly got us beaten up by a bunch of meth-heads down by our local park. He went up to them with his shaved head and stupid hat, and tried to act all Walter White with them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 088
You deserved it 2 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Perhaps this will break him of a bad habit.

theslimshadylp 6

Best show on television. Who doesn't want to be like Walter White? He's a badass.


Oh boy i sometimes really hate society

delicious69 5

Time to lock your brother in the attic.

I'll be honest, though I've heard the name, I don't really know what Breaking Bad is...I am curious as to why you were hanging out in the park with your 43 year old brother though, particularly if he's such a moron. Don't adult siblings normally meet at each other's houses for dinner and stuff?

LiL_Dub 2

I love it! That's HILARIOUS!!!

loserboii 11

Sounds like your brother was partly a meth head.

At least he didn't use ricin ... or did he?