Parents always know

By Anonymous - 07/08/2013 22:24 - Egypt

Today, my mum picked up a bunch of tissues that were scattered around my room. She examined them, then asked me to stop wasting her potential grandchildren. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 598
You deserved it 44 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you could've at least thrown them away or disposed of them.

I wonder how many billions of grandchildren she wants.


A hooker would probably be cheaper than all the tissue he's gone through

You entirely deserve that for just leaving them all around. Pick your shit up.

Every time your mom had her period she wasted a little home for a baby

HighlandShadows 48

A little difficult to make that parallel when menstruation is an uncontrollable biological function and masturbation is done by choice.

Dude. One does not simply leave an old fapkin lying around.

clean your own room, you whiny malingering sack of crap!

navy259 4

I swallow mine, no mess, no questions...

That's how you know it's time to get your own place.

alishous 8

You just leave your **** filled tissues around your room? That's kind of disgusting. YDI