Parents always know

By Anonymous - 07/08/2013 22:24 - Egypt

Today, my mum picked up a bunch of tissues that were scattered around my room. She examined them, then asked me to stop wasting her potential grandchildren. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 598
You deserved it 44 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you could've at least thrown them away or disposed of them.

I wonder how many billions of grandchildren she wants.


Try investing in a trash can with a lid. That or a girlfriend.

Dude.. If you're old enough to **********... And old enough to post on the Internet.. And old enough to have kids to make your mom proud... You're old enough to pick up your own mess!!

Epikouros 31

If you don't want to clean up, swallow the evidence :)

1. That's ******* gross, you must live like a pig OP. 2. If you are old enough to type this FML, you are old enough to clean up after yourself. 3. At least your mom was chill about it, I'd have put chili powder in your lotion bottle. Grow up and YDI

If your old enough that she's thinking of grandchildren you deserve it for still living at home and having your mum clean up after you.

Spider_Web 11

I like how it says she "examined" the tissues. Why was she looking at them so closely instead of quickly throwing them away

Kelishas 9

YDI for not learning how to use a garbage can AND letting your mother clean that junk up. What is wrong with you? Gross.

hatemyluck 15

ew, why would you let your mom touch that stuff?