Party time!

By haileypaige123 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to my first party, hoping to maybe meet some people. I was there for 4 hours, and the person/thing that I interacted most with was a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 036
You deserved it 7 157

Top comments

waveringatom 1

I already see your future as a lady with 40 cats in her house. I love animals do I see nothing wrong.


... If this bothers you, start talking to more of the people. YOU should be the one initiating conversation once in a while, you know? Have fun!


Well it was a step in the right direction. There will be more parties and more places to meet people. Just keep going out.

Quit acting like a crazy cat lady an get off the couch an socialize

zoethepooh 0

probably your fault, you should've gone up and talked to people, but since you spent a lot of your time petting the cat, people probably thought you weren't interested in having a conversation.

Have you ever heard of this website called Reddit?

Thuban 0

The deepest conversations I'very had was with my feline friend. And judging today's young adults, that cat was the only guest worth chatting up :D