Party time!

By haileypaige123 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to my first party, hoping to maybe meet some people. I was there for 4 hours, and the person/thing that I interacted most with was a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 036
You deserved it 7 157

Top comments

waveringatom 1

I already see your future as a lady with 40 cats in her house. I love animals do I see nothing wrong.


YDI. You can't sit around all day waiting for osmeone to come talk to you first. Get out there and try tomeet some people. You don't have to go talking to every person there, you just have to try and put some effort into it.

BeyondVirtuoso 2

Don't be with a pussy, don't be a pussy, just claw your way into discussion. Remember Practice makes puuuuurrrrrrfect!!

sodapopper 6

I hope you were a gentleman, sir.

I agree with 100. Pick someone out of the crowd that you identify with, or close to it, make eye contact... and just speak. Don't blabber. Just say something. A nice little whatever. They'll respond if they don't think you're a total weirdo:p.

cooLING 0

OP, you don't have to be invited to a party for it to be a party. Just invite 5 friends over and have somebody supply the drinks (I'm assuming you're underage). After an hour...boom! Party. Either that or just go to a club. The only risk of pussy you'll get there is of the feminine kind, unless you're into that. Always bring 1-2 buddies, condoms, and extra cash just in case.

YahImThatGuy 0

Hey, cats can be be awesome. Then again, they can also be demonic... At least you hit it off with someone, even if it was the cat.

Here4theshow 17

If I had to go to a party for some reason and there was a cat I'd be hanging out with the cat. Reminds me how some cafés in Japan have cats hanging around for you to pet. You have to pay for the experience too. I would love to do that next time I'm in the country.

Meh. The cat was probably smarter than at least half of the people there. It's OK to be an introvert. It's also OK to prefer animals to people. It took me long enough to figure both of those things out. You sound young; I hope it takes you less time than it did me.