Party time!

By haileypaige123 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to my first party, hoping to maybe meet some people. I was there for 4 hours, and the person/thing that I interacted most with was a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 036
You deserved it 7 157

Top comments

waveringatom 1

I already see your future as a lady with 40 cats in her house. I love animals do I see nothing wrong.


Kade20 4

So your the creep that was with the cat the whole time! I finally figured it out!

Emma Marshall 19

I don't see the problem? I try to hang with the animals and avoid the people.

mmm1810 22

How does this say it was posted today but the oldest comment is from November and I’ve already voted on it?

ojoRojo 27

Look how many people voted on it - it’s not from this year. They occasionally share old FMLs with the current date, not sure why