
By jhughes1997 - 17/06/2013 01:39 - United States - Decatur

Today, I went fishing with my dad. I figured, since we were out on the dock, I may as well get rid of my farmer's tan. I fell asleep in the sun and woke up to a fishing net draped over me. I now have a fishnet pattern down the front of my body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 902
You deserved it 12 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a trend setter by nature I see. A fisherman's tan is going to be the next big thing. I just can feel it.

Maybe your troll father was trying teach you a lesson for sleeping when you were meant to spend time with him.


Lost_Ghost 8

One word. Awesome!!! I love parents who have no problems with jokes and pranks with their children.

Well long sleeves long pants will cover that...or dress up for a bit until it fades away...

CookieLovesBoo 16

Hopefully it goes away soon .

Well, OP, I guess your time with your dad had led to a net gain in your suntan... Maybe next time pay more attention to the old codger and he won't feel so obliged to prank you. The next time, rather that waking up draped in a net, you might find he's placed countless fish hooks around you and is muttering "Do you want to play a game?....."

Looks like you were your father's big catch!

I think your father did put the net on you! If so, your dad is a creative prankster!

This reminds me of the time a bunch of my friends and I spent an afternoon drawing on each other with sharpies. One of my friends got a wicked sunburn that day, and when he washed the sharpie off he discovered that he hadn't tanned where the drawings were (turns out sharpie is a great sunblock. Who knew?) so he was bright red and covered in white designs of flowers, hearts, stars, vines, and things like "I hate cheese", "Jamie's property, hands off", and "inconceivable!". Lasted for a couple of weeks, he was not impressed. At least OP just has a diamond pattern instead of random phrases and pictures, right?

That's so funny, I had know idea that a sharpie was good sunblock!

Maybe You Should Invest In The Proper Form Of Clothing. .Like A Shirt. Or Lessons On How To Use Capital Letters Properly

hannahsnyder69 16

I have actually always wanted to do that

At least your dad didn't try to blame it on the mermaids that the government is trying to hide.