
By jhughes1997 - 17/06/2013 01:39 - United States - Decatur

Today, I went fishing with my dad. I figured, since we were out on the dock, I may as well get rid of my farmer's tan. I fell asleep in the sun and woke up to a fishing net draped over me. I now have a fishnet pattern down the front of my body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 902
You deserved it 12 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a trend setter by nature I see. A fisherman's tan is going to be the next big thing. I just can feel it.

Maybe your troll father was trying teach you a lesson for sleeping when you were meant to spend time with him.


xzanex 22

Hmmm...this fml sounds a bit....fishy

YDI for falling asleep in the sun. You're lucky you only got a fishnet tan rather than a severe sunburn.

kennaem1 11

Actually that does sound kinda cool.

jedcat 4

That's a scene from a 1960 Jerry Lewis movie The Bellboy. If you enjoy classic slapstick, watch it with Dad and enjoy an extra laugh.

brittyed 11

Well, did you get rid of your farmers tan? And thats kinda cool, in a way…