
By jhughes1997 - 17/06/2013 01:39 - United States - Decatur

Today, I went fishing with my dad. I figured, since we were out on the dock, I may as well get rid of my farmer's tan. I fell asleep in the sun and woke up to a fishing net draped over me. I now have a fishnet pattern down the front of my body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 902
You deserved it 12 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a trend setter by nature I see. A fisherman's tan is going to be the next big thing. I just can feel it.

Maybe your troll father was trying teach you a lesson for sleeping when you were meant to spend time with him.


I wish we could see it right now

Animekid126 13

The puns on these sites are ridiculously funny. Guess you should wear a shirt for a while op

justmeCee 16

Hahaha...Sorry Op but that's funny:) You can still even out your tan.

RealtreeGirl23 9

OP, why in the hell do you want to get rid of a farmer's tan? Us girls think they are sexy as ****.

Mr Satan it is obvious to any one with half a brain that you have never worked lived around or been exposed to any one especially any child with MR you would reconsider your position very quickly if it were ur child missing a chromosome. and yes saying shit for brains is MUCH nicer to all the people who have someone in their lives with MR it's not insulting but yet you still managed to insult the person whom your trying to offend. see how that works now ? instead of belittling an entire community of people to make fun or insult one you could just use ur half a brain to come up with a better insult and insult the intended target only

RainbowInput 8

Please don't become a fad. Please don't become a fad. Please don't become a fad. #FISHNETTAN

YDI. Yes, you do; and, thank you so much for my longest, loudest and, by far, my most uncontrollable laugh today..! You should be a real 'catch' this summer. That's right, I just couldn't help myself. Sorry!

LookAttMyyLifee 12

Use those fishernet legs & become a stripper.

Go fishing to fish. If you're going to fall asleep while tanning, YDI